Electrically controlled gasoline injection simulator D-Jetoronick type

■ The order number and the product name:
Electrically controlled gasoline injection simulator D-Jetoronicktype

■ The product description:
At the practical simulator that the physical relationship of the component and the relation of each control sensor can understand an electronically controlled type fuel injection apparatus on the panel board, the component in addition to the connecting cable, too, is using the part of the real car for the real car.
It is possible to do the following practice.
The decision of the [ practice brief description 〕 basic fuel injection quantity
The decision of the air/fuel ratio
The revision check ● sensor kind of the decision ● air/fuel ratio ● air/fuel ratio of the feature ● basic injection quantity of each diagnosis of fault ● computer control voltage ● sensor: The control unit of ● 02 sensors, the coolant sensor and so on,: Self diagnosing function and, functioning of the injection, ignition firing point control, fuel
The pump control and so on
The feature self diagnosing function, the functioning of the injection, the ignition firing point control, the fuel pump control
The jet condition of the diagnosis crank-angle degree, the airflow meter or the vacuum sensor, the coolant sensor, the throttle switch, the injector

The size and the weight:  900x900x 1500 mm 50 kg
The electric-source:100V AC or 220V

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