Circuit of air conditioner

■ The order number and the product name:
MZ625e-ACS  Circuit of air conditioner

■ The product description:
The content:
The air conditioner, the air-mix mode
The reheat mode
The actuation of the warm water type heater
The actuation of the air quantity adjusting operation circuit
The actuation of the water valve, the refrigerating-cycle, the swash-plate-type compressor of the car-cooler
The capacitor
The actuation of the receiver and the sight-glass, the actuation of the expansion-valve, the actuation, the auto air conditioner block diagram, the shy sensor of the air-mix mode air con, the exterior-air sensor and the insolation sensor, the drawer temperature-control, the air-mix absorber
The auto contol
The warm-up, and the blown air contol, the exit-cone contol
The checkout with refrigerant quantity
The vacuum draw, and the way of filling, the other

The CD-ROM system requirements
Microsoft Windows 2000, me, xp, vista,

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