Air intake and exhaust system

■ The order number and the product name:
MZ225e-IES  Air intake and exhaust system

■ The product description:
The content:
1.The air intake and exhaust system
2.The operation in the gasoline engine and diesel engine air cleaner structure, at the it normal time and the time of the above
3.The structure, the operation of the turbo charger, the operation of the waist gate valve, the operation of the floating bearing
4.Supercharging operation of the structure, the operation, the distributor rotor of the supercharger
5.The operation of the charge-air cooler, the air-cooled and water-cooled structure, the water cooling
6.The structure and the operation of the variable intake system
The division, the use structure of the surge tank and the operation in 2 systems in the intake quantity
7.The ventilation device
The operation of the operation of the oil vapour current apparatus, the catalytic converter, the muffler

The CD-ROM system requirements
Microsoft Windows 2000, me, xp, vista, 7

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