Home field A house ,food, and clothing independency of life

■ The order number and the product name:
Home field A house ,food, and clothing independency of life

■ The product description:
The content:
1.The function of nutriment, six pieces of food group, six
2.The diet
3. which the food composition table, the balance can have taken
The perishables and the processed food, the kind of the perishables, the kind of the processed food, thecanned food, the bottling and the retort, the mark, the food additive
4. of the processed food
How to use of the kitchen knife, the kind of the kitchen knife
5.The cooking practice
The hamburger steak, pork miso soup
6.The device of the rich eating habit, the delightful dining program
7.The choice of the clothing, the care and cleaning and the repair, the stain removal, the ironing, it comesunsewn once more, it puts a snap and the washing and the care and cleaning, the display of the cleanser,how to use
8. being of the sewing machine
The manufacturing
9. of the clothing
The maintenance of the indoor environment
The others

The system requirements

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List of Movie Com for Class of Industrial Arts and Homemaking